

SP problem of Evil Great WAr Lucifer Pinciple Meaning of Life Body&Soul Truth?  Sci Vs True
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Welcome to the Kingdom Portal

Here you can become part of the "...fellowship of the Mystery kept secret since the world began". On this site you will find the TRUTH and the WAY and the LIFE that reveals the purpose and Mystery of life itself.
Studies in The TRUTH - There is only one REALITY or Truth. Many believe that reality is relative. truth Unfortunately, like ignoring a bomb or waking from a dream, reality cannot be ignored or hidden. Your belief in a lie does not make it the truth. Attempts to navigate with a false map will only get you lost! Your destiny depends on living in the truth. Studies in The WAY - Monarchy, Fascism, Communism or even Democracy have fought to rule the land. Great World Wars and countless smaller ones have consumed multi-millions of human lives, like some great Beast of Horror. This beast, for those who have the eyes to see and ears to hear, is quite real. He has raped, killed and slaughtered troughout time in a GREAT WAR to destory THE WAY of righteousness. Ultimately, your soul is in the balance.Which Way do you choose? Studies in The LIFE You can climb the mountains of Tibet and talk to as many Gurus as you like, but the meaning of life can only be found in JESUS CHRIST. Life is not found in "drug, sex and rock n roll" It's not found in money, beauty or even education. Who knows better how to live our lives than the creator. Who knows better about real life and death than our creator.


The Physics of God?  String Theory? Bible Mysteries?  Weapons of Mass Destruction?
Fallen Angels?   Global Warming? Stone age Modern Technology?  War, Terrorism and Jihad? Good vs. Evil?  2012: the end of Civilization?

Can it all make sense?
"Psalms 71:1 In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion."

The Deliberate Design of Destiny incorporates the great and courageous recent works of intelligent design scientists into a workable theory. This book answer the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of creation from the Intelligent Design perspective. To reveal or make all men know the mystery kept secret since the world began.(Eph 3:9)

The world blunders in confusion because largely the academic and industrial science institutions confuse the origins of human destiny and purpose. Their aversion to faith and their exclusion of God confuses their efforts to understand this Mystery keep secret since the world began. The Deliberate Design of Destiny explores the reason people, society and nations do not comprehend creation’s design and purpose and become doomed to confusion and chaos. It explains how this ignorance allows the enemy of God to manipulate the world of men unto a destiny of destruction.

Soon, if not now we will be facing the End of Times as the bible calls it. The Book takes you from the beginning of time all the way end of time as the plan of God unfolds into a destiny we all face. The Bible, ancient calendars, ancient traditions, the precession of the equinox and even science point a New Age. Its time to understand the mystery hidden in God’s creation since the world began (Eph 3:9 and Rom 16:25)

Theodore Green explores God's design and purpose behind creation as he deals with fallen dominions and powerful ancient and historical civilizations that are the roots of world in chaos. The book reveals shocking facts about true ancient history, creation and the miracle power of the word of God. Your world will never be the same once the mystery kept secret since the world began is revealed.

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